Lets Convene

Convene is a matrix-based chat platform that supports sharing of any kind. Rooms are private and encrypted by default.

Colonial Boarding School Report

Tibet Action Institute report revealed that Chinese government policies are forcing three out of every four Tibetan students aged 6-18 – approximately 800,000 – into a vast network of colonial boarding schools.


Círculo helps connect you to a reliable network of six peers. Establish protocols, send alerts and keep those in your circle informed.


We publish a number of research reports which will focus on targeted attacks against the exile community, censorship and surveillance inside Tibet.

Keanu Engine

Keanu Engine offers app and web experiences that enable safe and secure communication among communities.

Political Rights

Authoritarian regimes can often seem too difficult to topple. But history shows that when mass numbers of people unite, they can achieve political rights even in the most brutal political systems. Learn how!

Stay Formidable Online

When you are working in an environment which is likely to be targeted or you are working in a field which connects you to many other high risk people, we recommend that you stay formidable online.



Carry out educational programs on internet freedom, digital security, and strategies of nonviolent advocacy for Tibetans and other communities facing extreme repression and human rights abuses.



Provide in-depth training to people who are engaged in human rights reporting, civil society organizing, jumping restrictive Internet firewalls, or simply pushing the limits of permitted self-expression, as well as civil society activists and social connectors in diasporas who can catalyze continuous transfer of knowledge to broader circles in a target.


Technology Development

Develop, test, distribute and promote new software that enables secure, private communications for activists, journalists, and others advocating their rights and seeking freedom of expression

Rights Action Lab

Rights Action Lab combines secure digital communication tools with creative nonviolent activism to advance human rights for people living under heavy repression. Using our experience as innovators, campaigners, and facilitators, we support those in need – especially Tibetans and other communities in Asia facing severe human rights violations – through education programs, training and technology development.

Training & Public Awareness

Trainings and public awareness-building on digital security issues.

Protecting Human RIghts

Developing strategies to support Tibetans and other communities seeking to protect their human rights

Nonviolent Advocacy

Educational programs on techniques of nonviolent advocacy

Building Networks

Building networks between and capacity of communities facing extreme human rights violations

Technology Development

Developing and testing new software that enables secure, private communications for activists, journalists, and others seeking freedom of expression


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